Thursday, August 12, 2010


                                                               Goddy faces a new horizon

I have three blogs:  A Friend Named Goddy, The Lighter Side of Life, and Paranormal Phenomena.  All these three blogs were created and written at a time when I was still some kind of confused and disorganized.  Reading the entries from my primary blog, A Friend Named Goddy, one can easily perceive what I had gone through in life.  And due to the disillusionment that I experienced, perhaps, he or she who reads my blog may even notice some conflicts in my values that might make some blog posts or even the whole blog appear uninteresting.

I believe I am a good person with some qualities and attributes that are even superior than others'.  These were especially observed in me during more sedate years when I have yet to hear and experience the words "stress", "intrigue", and like negative words that were so strange to a naive person like me then.  During those times, not only did I excel academically as a student in school but also helped many friends, neighbors, and even plain acquaintances find jobs when I was already working. 

But time doesn't run smooth all the time.  And the strange and very cruel quirk of fate that caused me severe emotional pains and that eventually led to my disillusionment with life warped my values.  I stopped believing in them.  Cruel people and events had unmade me.
If time doesn't run smooth all the time, it doesn't remain rough all the time, either.  Now that the storm of life is over, it's about time I start anew.  Common sense dictates that I let go of the past if I am to lead a life of peace and happiness.  And as I say goodbye to the past, I'll face a new horizon that promises a new life and a new beginning.

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